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Base legale
Regolamento che istituisce il programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione Orizzonte Europa - 28/04/2021
Decisione che istituisce il programma specifico di attuazione di Orizzonte Europa - 10/05/2021
Regolamento relativo all’Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia, (rifusione) - 20/05/2021
Documenti generali
Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-2024 - 19/03/2021
Horizon Europe Programme Guide
Horizon Europe General Model Grant Agreement
Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement - Unit Grants
Evaluation Form HE MSCA
Horizon Europe Annotated Grant Agreement - DRAFT
Horizon Europe - Generic Proposal Template
Accordi internazionali nel quadro di Horizon Europe
Linee guida sulle sinergie tra Horizon Europe e gli European Research and Development Fund (ERDF)
Agenda strategica per l’innovazione dell’Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia (EIT) 2021-2027: promuovere il talento e la capacità d’innovazione in Europa
Council Conclusions on European Missions
Analisi del piano strategico Horizon Europe 2025-2027
Programmi di lavoro  
European Research Council Work Programme 2021
European Research Council Work Programme 2022
European Research Council Work Programme 2023
European Research Council Work Programme 2024
European Innovation Council Work Programme 2021
European Innovation Council Work Programme 2022
European Innovation Council Work programme 2023
European Innovation Council Work Programme 2024
Horizon Work Programme 2021-2022
Horizon Work Programme 2023-2024:
1. General Introduction
2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
3. Research Infrastructure
4. Health
5. Culture, creativity and inclusive society
6. Civil Security for Society
7. Digital, Industry and Space
8. Climate, Energy and Mobility
9. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
10. European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE)
11. Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area
12. Missions
13. General Annexes
HE and Euratom Work Programme on Horizontal Expenditure 2021-2022
HE and Euratom Work Programme on Horizontal Expenditure 2023-2024
Euratom Research and Training Programme - Work Programme 2023-2025
Pagina web del programma
Horizon Europe NCP Portal
European Innovation Council (EIC)
European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT)
European Research Council (ERC)
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) - Department C
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
European Reseach Council Executive Agency (ERCEA)
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
European Research Executive Agency (REA)
Directorate-General Climate Action (CLIMA)
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport - (DG MOVE)
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD)
Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS)
Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT)
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE)
Delegati nazionali nel Comitato di Programma di Horizon Europe (2021 – 2027)
In evidenza
La guida APRE
Portale Horizon Europe di APRE
Horizon Europe - budget
Horizon Results Platform
Horizon Results Platform TV
Horizon Magazine
Horizon Europe - A global approach to research and innovation
Horizon Europe - Pillar I Excellent science
Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency data hub
Horizon 2020 Environment and resources data hub
EIC Accelerator data hub
EIC Fast Track to Innovation data hub
EIC Pathfinder data hub
Horizon 2020 INNOSUP data hub
Horizon Results Booster
Datahub of ERC funded projects
Briefing - Horizon Europe Framework programme for research and innovation 2021–2027
Become a Horizon Europe Young Observer
Horizon Europe Coordinators' Day: Grant Agreement Preparation (15 June 2022)
First report on the performance of European Partnerships under Horizon Europe
Faroe Islands joins Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme
Ukraine’s association agreement to Horizon Europe and Euratom Research and Training Programmes enters into force
Nuovo partenariato paneuropeo su cultura e creatività
Le Joint Undertaking in Horizon Europe - Vademecum APRE
20/10/2022 - Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?
Horizon IP Scan
Horizon IP Scan Factsheet
Factsheet - EIC 2023 work programme
Factsheet - EIC 2023 - What's in it for companies
Factsheet - EIC 2023 - What's in it for researchers
CINEA dashboard
European Innovation Ecosystems datahub
EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change Portal
Factsheet - EIC Prizes 2023
European research and innovation Framework Programmes 2014-2027
Revision of the EIC IP Provisions
Towards Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility
European Commission proposes 10 new partnerships
The transformative nature of the European framework programme for research and innovation
European Innovation Council Tech report 2023
Horizon Europe research and innovation missions - State of play
EIT Regional Innovation Scheme Report 2022
Monitoring Report: Integration of social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020
Valutazione intermedia di Horizon Europe rapporto finale
Foresight towards the 2nd Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe
Towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility - Contributions of Horizon Europe projects managed by CINEA
Commission Report of the final evaluation of Horizon 2020
EIT Climate-KIC report
EIT Digital report
EIT InnoEnergy report
EIT Manufacturing report
EIT 2024 Business Creation Factsheet
European Innovation Council Impact Report 2023
Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027
Mapping ERC frontier research artificial intelligence
Report on research assessment 
EIT Innovation Guide
New European innovation agenda on the move
EIC Fund Investment guidelines
Mapping ERC frontier research artificial intelligence
Horizon Europe Implementation: Key figures 2021-2023
Risultati APRE IT Horizon Europe
Dashboard Horizon R&I Projects
Science, Research and Innovation Performance of the EU 2024
Horizon Europe Programme: A strategic assessment of selected items 
European Innovation Scoreboard 2024