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Technical Support Instrument List!A1
Base legale
Regolamento che istituisce uno strumento di sostegno tecnico - 10/02/2021
Documenti generali
Technical Support Instrument (TSI) - General Model Grant Agreement 
Request for technical support - Templates 2023
Programmi di lavoro
Technical Support Instrument: Financing Decisions and Annual Work Programmes
Decision on the financing of the TSI and adoption of the work programme for 2024
Decision on the financing of the TSI and adoption of the work programme for 2024 – Annex
Pagina web Reform Support
Pagina web TSI
Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM)
In evidenza
TSI Country Factsheet - Italia
DG REFORM - Plans and Reports
Domande e risposte sullo strumento di sostegno tecnico 2022
Technical Support Instrument 2022 Press Conference
Technical Support Instrument Annual Conference - 5 May 2022
Technical Support Instrument: main features
Technical Support Instrument 2023 press conference
Developing an Integrated Approach to Green Infrastructure in Italy 
Technical Support Instrument: latest developments
TSI monitoring reports 2021-2022
2024 Technical Support Instrument projects
Support to REPowerEU: Final synthesis report