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Regolamento che istituisce il programma EU4Health - 24/03/2021
Documenti generali
EU4Health Programme (EU4H) - General Model Grant Agreement 
EU4 Health - Call for proposals under the Annual Work Programme 2022
Programmi di lavoro
EU4Health - Annual Work Programme for 2021
EU4Health - Annual Work Programme for 2022
EU4Health - Annual Work Programme for 2023
EU4Health - Annual Work Programme for 2024
Pagina web del programma
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) - Dipartimento A
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE)
In evidenza
Briefing - EU4Health Programme
EU4Health Programme - Factsheet
12/10/2021 - Info Session: The EU4Health Programme: what it can bring to the regions
20/01/2022 - EU4Health 2022 Work Programme Information Session for Operating Grants
08/02/2022 - EU4Health 2022 Work Programme Info Day - Italy
EU4Health - a funding programme for a healthier Europe
10/05/2022 - Info Session: EU4Health Joint Actions and direct grants other than Joint Actions to be launched in 2022
12/05/2022 - Info Session: Hands-on workshop on EU4Health direct grants to Member States other than Joint Actions (1st wave)
Targeted Consultation: EU4Health priorities, strategic orientations and needs
EU4Health programme: Association agreement with Ukraine
Amendment to the EU4Health work programmes 2021 and 2022: Contribution agreement with International Organisations
EU4Health Stakeholders Consultation - Summary & Key Insights
EU4Health Stakeholders Event - Summary & Key Outcomes
EU4Health Work Programme 2023 - Factsheets
Final evaluation of the third Health Programme 2014-2020
EU4Health Work Programme 2024 - Factsheet